What is The War for Cybersecurity?
Keeping yourself and your business safe in today's connected world is a never-ending battle. The duty of protecting yourself online has never been more important than today. Hackers, scam artists, ransomware, and many more threats are out there wanting to wage war on your cybersecurity and will do whatever it takes to steal what information they can from you.
In 2021, we hope that you will join us at neoRhino throughout the year as our Security Awareness Team will provide new information about the world of Cybersecurity, take part in events such as Data Privacy Day & National Cybersecurity Awareness Week, and give you the information and insight you need to stay #CyberAware.
For now, here is information and actions you should take to achieving proper cybersecurity and protecting your business.
Assess your defenses. How are you equipped to prevent malicious attacks from breaking through? Do you have a proactive system to take charge if a threat attempts to infect your network?
Equipping an end-to-end security and support service such as neoRhino’s Remote Managed Services (RMS) to proactively secure your computers is the first line of defense. RMS is engineered to be be your first line of defending your devices as a constantly monitored and updated system to keep you safe from malicious threats.
Having a proactive line of DEFENSE in place such neoRhino’s Remote Managed Services (RMS) is the first step in keeping your business safe in The War for Cybersecurity. But what are the benefits and why should you arm yourself with RMS? Click here or on the image above for the full details.
In today's age, an over-the-counter Anti-Virus is not enough to secure a business from the most complex cyber-attacks. A Next-Gen Anti-Virus solution can keep your business safe. But what is a Next-Gen Anti-Virus? Read our blog to learn more.
Your defenses are in place. You have a next-gen anti-virus solution, but having that alone is not enough. Even with enterprise-level security implemented, human error can still be one of the biggest threats to your data security. Educating your employees on the various types of online threats and how to protect yourself from being victimized is more important than ever in today's digital age. neoRhino is here to assist your business in ensuring your employees stay alert and prepared to defend themselves and your company.
When the subject of cybersecurity is discussed, one of the most frequently used terms is “Malware.” But are you aware of the specific types of malicious software? Let us prepare you for malware attacks in this blog.
This is a big one. On January 14, 2020, Windows 7 became EOL (End of Life), which means that if you have a device that is still running any version of Windows 7, you no longer receive security updates of any kind from Microsoft. How dangerous is this for you if you still have a device running Windows 7? Download our whitepaper here.
School is back in session, but cybersecurity never takes a vacation. As the kids are going back to class, here are ten quick refresher tips for staying safe online at this time of year. Read our blog to learn how.
Now you know what kind of cyber-threats are out there and you're ready to make a plan to keep your business safe. However, sometimes even the best plans can have an unexpected incident occur. Whether it is human error, natural disasters, or a cyber-attack, having a RESERVE in place in case your systems are down or compromised is crucial in today's landscape.
What is your data backup solution? Do you have a Disaster Recovery Plan? What kind of cloud backup solution is best for your business? We'll define all of these and more in this phase.
First off, why are reserves so important? One of the biggest reasons to have a reserve in place are for the various types of online attacks out there, threatening to lock away your files under ransom. We delve deep into what exactly ransomware is and show you how you can protect yourself in this special edition of our Blog.
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) and this year's theme is "Own IT. Secure IT. Protect IT." We are a NCSAM Champion, so click here or on the link above for an entire month of cyber security blogs, helpful tips, and videos so you can #BeCyberSmart too.
The War for Cyber Security is a never-ending battle.
neoRhino's Remote Managed Services package includes:
- Remote Helpdesk
- 24/7 Monitoring & Service Alerts
- Threat Management
- Patch & Update Management
- Security Awareness Training
For more details about our Remote Manage Services, this page explains it all.
We are here to defend. Keep watching this page for more updates through out the year and you can sign up to receive notifications by filling out the form below.
For over 20 years, neoRhino's Houston-based certified IT experts have been keeping office networks safe from malicious cyber-attacks. Give us a call at (281) 779-4850 so we can prepare you for The War for Cyber Security, as well as to learn more about our IT services.
How will you defend yourself?